Aztec Deity Statues
Aztec God Ceramic Statues
Are you trying to work out the name of the god in that small Aztec statue? Let us try and help! The Aztecs were a highly religious civilization, with a rich pantheon of gods and goddesses. Among these deities, Tlaloc and Huehueteotl were some of the most important and revered. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at these fascinating Aztec gods and why ceramic versions of their statues make for a unique and meaningful addition to any home or office.

Tlaloc was the Aztec god of rain, fertility, and agriculture. He was considered one of the most important deities in the Aztec pantheon, as the success of the Aztec civilization was largely dependent on the availability of water and fertile land. Tlaloc was often depicted as a fierce and powerful figure, with fangs and large, bulging eyes that symbolized the power of lightning. Our Tlaloc ceramics are based on a statue found in the huge pyramid shaped Templo Mayor complex.
The picture here is a traditional bark painting depicting Tlaloc as he is shown in the Codex Magliabechiano, a collection of drawings and Spanish text that show a wide range of deities, rituals and cosmological beliefs.

Huehueteotl was the Aztec god of fire and time. He was depicted as an old and wrinkled figure, symbolizing the cyclical nature of time and the inevitability of aging and death. Huehueteotl was also associated with the sun and was believed to have the power to control the changing of the seasons. We offer two sizes of ceramic Huehueteotl for sale, both in the traditional cross legged position. The heads have a bowl on top for making offerings although they are also great for houseplants!
Chacmool Statues
The Aztecs made many offerings and sacrifices to their gods and Chacmools are a sculptural form used in these rituals. They are usually depicted as a reclining figure, holding a bowl in his lap that was used to receive offerings from the people such as pulque, tobacco, turkeys, tortillas and incense. They can be found at many pre-Columbian sites across Mexico including Chichen Itza and the Templo Mayor.
Our wonderful ceramic versions of these fascinating figures make excellent gifts for history fans and cultural collectors and bring a meaningful touch of the past to any home or office.