Women's Dreams and Recycled Newspaper Pencils
People often ask us about about our wonderful recycled newspaper pencils and the story behind their manufacture. The pencils are made in Kathmandu by the group 'Women's Dreams.' Founded by Sudha Basnet around 2012, the group has been making pencils by rolling a lead tightly inside waste newspaper.

The inspiring group provides employment and educational opportunities to Nepali women, empowering them so that they are not economically dependent on anyone else. We were lucky enough to visit the group a couple of years ago and meet Sudha and some of the women working there. As well as the pencils, the group also makes clothing and goods from a traditional soft material called 'Damberkumari Kapada.' Various other ideas are in the works for products made from recycled crisp, noodle and biscuit packets.
Over 50 women are now involved in the group and they have recently been able to upgrade their workshop. They also help support a cricket team for visually impaired women in Nepal. You can read more about the group in this excellent Himayalan Times article.